If you are in the market for a new EMR system, you may be wondering how much Athena EMR System costs. There are several different options to choose from, but the cost will depend on how many features you need. AthenaClinicals is designed to meet the needs of modest organizations, while AthenaHealth is built for larger multi-physician practices. While athenaHealth has a cloud-based platform, you may find it necessary to purchase a private server to host it on your own.
Athenahealth is a complete EMR system that includes a patient portal. The portal allows patients to access their medical records, communicate with their doctors and fill out forms. The software also has advanced tools that can help patients remember important information. The patient portal also helps patients get started with a new physician. Patients can log in to their athenahealth patient portal to update their contact information and complete intake forms before their appointment.
Athena offers robust functionalities that streamline daily tasks for care providers. Customers of the system have reported that their interface was easy to use and that their customer support team was responsive to their questions. However, some users expressed concerns about claims functionality. Users also recognized that they could not customize the system as they would like. They also noted that there was a lack of accuracy in the data. In the end, they are satisfied with their choice of Athena.
Athena EMR is a comprehensive patient-centric platform that incorporates cloud-based EMR data management, HIPAA compliance, patient engagement, and care coordination. It also offers a powerful mobile app. The company's expert consultants work with customers to customize their systems and train employees on how to use them. It's important to look for a reliable partner who can support your organization in the long term.
Athenahealth also includes telehealth tools that integrate seamlessly with its EHR. Telehealth is convenient for patients, as they can use any device to join their appointments. Athenahealth also includes a payment collection feature, which makes it easy for patients to pay for their visits without any hassle. Another benefit of Athenahealth is that it has a calendar view, making it easy to set appointments for new patients. You can also customize this calendar by providing mandatory fields and email reminders.
Athenahealth has an implementation process that takes four to six weeks, although the process can take longer if you're importing data from another system. During this process, you will have a dedicated account representative who can help you throughout the entire setup and even after the system goes live. You'll also be able to keep in contact with them after you're life. All of this will help you decide if AthenaHealth is the right fit for your practice.
With AthenaOne, you can practice medicine anytime, anywhere. It includes an integrated EHR, a patient portal, and a HIPAA-compliant messaging service. In addition to these features, athenaOne offers integrations with various applications for a variety of needs. You can also use the athenaOne app to manage your inbox, view patient results, sign orders, and schedule appointments. It also integrates with your athenaClinicals EHR and telehealth system.